Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Chemistry For Biology Students

Chemistry For Biology StudentsChemistry for Biology students will not be a difficult course to take. As long as you are familiar with the basic knowledge and skills of chemistry, you should have no problem in taking this course. You might not even need to enroll in it if you already know the concepts involved in the class.If you want to take Chemistry for Biology as a pre-medical science, then you have to understand that this will not be as easy as it sounds. This is a very different course than the normal classroom course which is based on the same principles and materials as regular science classes. Most biology students usually do not have enough experience in learning biology or in working with different chemicals and elements. This is why having some chemistry experience can really be a huge help in this case.There are many ways to introduce students to chemistry and its benefits. One way would be to actually go out to a laboratory for an actual experiment. But if you want your students to learn chemistry naturally without spending much money, there are many other methods available to do so.Some of these methods involve students interacting with the teachers. These are effective ways to help chemistry students learn at their own pace. The interaction between the teacher and the students is usually interactive. Of course, you do not want your students to feel pressure from either of them.For example, you could create a list of common questions and ideas which students usually ask. You could also give out sample test questions that can be solved by the students. The idea is to give them the right atmosphere where they can ask and answer their own questions. Even if the tests are not real ones, it gives them confidence in the concepts they are learning.It is also good if you allow them to share their own theories and ideas with you in class. This helps the chemistry for biology students to get more involved in the class. They will be able to recognize and inv estigate their own ideas and how they could be applied to the lesson materials.Chemistry for Biology students should also be encouraged to think up their own hypotheses. This is an essential part of the science which cannot be stressed enough. You should encourage your students to not only look for theories, but also be creative in presenting and testing those theories in order to find out if they actually work.Chemistry for Biology students should not be discouraged from trying new things. In fact, you should encourage them to try even the most basic science concepts. This way, they can get to know what they can expect from the concepts and materials being used in the classroom.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor Reddit - Discover Why

I Hate the Organic Chemistry Tutor Reddit - Discover WhyI hate the organic chemistry tutor Reddit because of the number of people that post links to websites in the title. Sure it's just some random web site, but a person with some motivation can get a lot of hits from it if they put the URL right in the title.In my opinion, drug dealers use this method of advertising and marketing their product. It doesn't cost them anything and they get to promote it and sell the hell out of it. You should be doing the same if you're new on the Internet.We've all heard of the image size junk food and how much they cost. This is the same thing. All it takes is a catchy name and a long URL that include the keywords to get a lot of hits.I'm not against these such methods, but they need to be used responsibly. The best way to do this is to create a bio box to go with the site that you want to promote. If you do your research, you'll see that this is usually on the top ten search engines. That's a prett y good ranking.Online article marketing is something that you can't do yourself unless you have a lot of experience. You can only submit one or two articles per day. Once you hit the limit, it's time to start submitting articles from different directories.Using article marketing for promotion has a lot of benefits. It's free, easy, and it gets your website noticed. Your competition has to spend millions just to get noticed online.Some of the links that you get from this are amazing. Thelinks that I got to the sites that I really want to visit don't always go to the directory, but they go to sites that I can get involved with easily and directly. Getting great exposure is what you want, but remember that this is an investment, so be sure you're making the most of it.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Coterminal Angles

Coterminal Angles Coterminal angles are the angles having common terminal side. For an angle there are two sides initial side and a terminal side. Initial side means the line where we start measuring the angle (that is x-axis). Terminal side is a line where we stop measuring the angle. Initial side and terminal side are clearly shown in the below figure. In this 30o, 360o, -330o are Coterminal angles. Now let us draw the figure:- In simple words, the angles in a standard position that are having same terminal side are called coterminal angles. To find angles coterminal with a given angle we have to add and subtract 360 degree. Here are some examples that show you how to find coterminal angles. Example 1: Among the given pairs identify coterminal angles (60, 410), (60, - 300), (60, 240), (45, 135). Solution: To find coterminal angle with a given angle we have to subtract 360 from the given angle. = Let us take first angle = 60 (from given pairs 3 pairs having first angle 60) = Now subtract 360 from 60: 60 360 = -300 = So, from the given pairs (60, - 300) is the coterminal angles pair. Example 2: Find a positive and a negative angle coterminal with a 65 angle. Solution: To find a positive and a negative angle coterminal with a 65 = We have to add and subtract 360 from a given angle = 65 360 = 295 = 65 + 360 = 425 = Therefore, 65, 295, 425 are coterminal angles.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Beginners Guide to Buying a Bass Guitar

The Beginners Guide to Buying a Bass Guitar Which Bass Should Beginners Buy? ChaptersShould You Get a 4, 5, or 6-string Bass?What Type of Wood Should You Go For?What Type of Neck Should You Get?What Is the Difference Between Active Bass and Passive Bass?Which Brand Should You Pick When You Start Playing the Bass?How Can You Be Sure of A Bass’ Quality?“None of us wanted to be the bass player. In our minds, he was the fat guy who always played at the back.” - Paul McCartneyPaul McCartney didn’t have any problems as a bassist.You can learn the bass through improvising, studying riffs, and choosing the right instrument.  It doesn’t really matter the type of music you like playing as you can play basslines quite simply by following the bass drum and snare drum.In this article, we'll look at whether you should get a 4, 5, or 6-string bass, the type of wood your bass should be made of, the type of neck it should have, the difference between active and passive basses, and how to check if you've got a quality instrument on your hands. PeterGuitar Teacher £1 2/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsShould You Get a 4, 5, or 6-string Bass?You’ll probably be aware that a 4-string bass is the most common and is a direct descendant of the double bass.A bass usually has four strings but some have five or six. (Source: jonathansautter)That said, you can also get a 5-string bass. This type of bass is often used in rock and metal music and it has a really heavy sound.  Some bassists prefer to play a 6-string bass as it has a bigg er range.A 4-string bass is usually tuned to E, A, D, G.  This is great for getting started, even if you want to play metal or rock music. A 4-string bass has a narrower and thinner neck than 5 and 6-string basses. To get used to fingering and playing the bass, it’s probably best to play a 4-string bass.Find guitar lessons near me with Superprof!What Type of Wood Should You Go For?A bass guitar is usually made of two pieces of wood: the body and the neck.The way you play will affect which bass you should get. (Source: Paul_DAPARocks)The body of a bass guitar is very similar to that of an electric guitar. The body on an electric bass includes the bridge, pickups, jack, and dials.  The neck includes the fretboard, the head includes the tuning pegs, and the saddle joins the neck to the body.The body of a bass guitar is usually one piece of wood. The type of wood affects the sound produced by the instrument. As a beginner, it’ll be difficult to really understand the difference. Youâ €™ll need to familiarise your ear to the sounds a bass can produce.Ash and alder give a balanced sound. The sound will be softer. Mahogany is famous for its warmth and richness while maple is dense and gives you a lot of sustain.  The type of wood is also important when it comes to the neck. As a beginner, you’ll probably struggle to choose and it'll seem like quite the minefield.To help you, here are the most common types of wood used for the fretboard:Maple: This is light and gives a good attack.Rosewood: A dark would with a softer sound.Ebony: Very dark. This wood offers a lot of sustain and playability.To make things easier, you should choose a light bass guitar.Find out more reasons to play bass. PeterGuitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsWhat Type of Neck Should You Get?To learn how to play the bass, you should pay attention to your instrument’s scale.The ScaleThe Scale is the length of your bass’ neck. It’s measured in inches.  The longer the neck, the bigger the space between the frets and the lower the notes you can play. However, a bass with a short scale will be easier for a beginner to play.The standard scale for a bass guitar is 34 inches. Some have short scales of 30 inches.The problem with short scales is that your fingers will work less. If you never change up to a standard scale, you’ll struggle to get the same dexterity.  It’s better to start off with the 34-inch scale.Find guitar teachers near me with a private tutor!The Height of the StringsThe strings of the bass should be close to the neck. Ideally, choose a bass with a flat neck, not one that’s been curved by the tension in the strings.The bridge shouldn’t be too high even though this can stop the strings rattling against the frets.  To check the height of the strings from the fingerboard, play on the first fret and play a firm note. If the string rattles on the second fret, try another model.The Width of the NeckThe neck should be as thin as possible for beginners.  If it’s too wide, your left hand will never be able to play the lower strings without covering some of the others and you’ll end up with a sore hand and pick up some bad habits as you try to avoid this.You should get used to how close the strings are to one another so that your right hand can be in the best position.The Thickness of the StringsThe thickness of the strings will affect how you play.  The thicker the strings, the harder they will be to play. You might want to start off with light or extra light strings when you first start playing.Of course, the thickness of the strings will also alter your sound.What Is the Difference Between Active Bass and Passive Bass?You can learn how to play the bass like the greats. This starts with choosing the right bass guitar and getting bass lessons.Before you play live, you should work on your timing with a metronome. (Source: Pexels)When it comes to active bass and passive bass, we’re talking about the electronics. As the string vibrates over the pickup, it induces a current in the pickups. This current becomes an electronic signal.An active bass includes a preamp that’s powered by a battery. It’s easier to control the sound and equalise it. The sound output by the bass is also greater when the battery is charged.A passive bass doesn’t have this preamp. It also doesn’t need a power source. In this case, you can modulate the volume or tone.Furthermore, background noise coul d occur from a single pickup. This won’t be the case with a high-end bass, but when it comes to entry-level models, you should probably opt for an active bass.However, tonnes of bassists play passive basses.Which will you prefer?Which Brand Should You Pick When You Start Playing the Bass?Before you start playing the bass in a rock group, you’ll need to pick an instrument, get the basics, and loosen up your fingers.Do your research before buying your bass guitar. (Source: egonkling)While beginners often pick an instrument based on its looks, this should probably be the last thing to consider. Of course, you need to make sure that you like the instrument you’re buying.It’s usually a good idea to opt for reputable brands. An unknown brand may be cheap or good value for money, but a beginner won’t know what they’re looking for. Even if the person in the shop can get a good sound out of it, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good instrument. That said, a beautiful sunbu rst Fender Jazz Bass or Precision Bass is probably too expensive for an absolute beginner.  Furthermore, when you move up to another model, you’ll get more for your old bass if it’s a recognisable brand.A reputable brand will keep its value more. Here are some good instruments for beginners:Ibanez GSR200 or GSR320Yamaha TRBX174 or TRBX304Cort Action BassEpiphone Les Paul Special or Toby Deluxe IVPeavey Zodiac BXPFind out how often you should practise.How Can You Be Sure of A Bass’ Quality?If you want to improvise, improve your rhythm, or learn a scale, you’ll need a quality instrument.Here’s some advice for picking a bass, especially if you’re buying second-hand:Fret wear.The dials (pots) should be fixed and not turn endlessly. These are used to change the volume and tone.Check that the wood isn’t split and the finish isn’t scratched.The bridge needs to be fixed.The strings shouldn’t be too far from the fretboard and it shouldn’t rattle when played.Getting starte d with the bass starts by getting the right instrument. Make sure to ask your music teacher for advice.Additionally, if you're getting an electric bass guitar, it's important to look at amps. After all, these are half the instrument. Unlike an acoustic bass or an acoustic electric bass, you can't really hear an electric one without an amp.Once you've got your bass, you'll also need to think about accessories like a gig bag, tuners, the aforementioned amplifier for electric basses, etc.If you opt to learn bass with a private tutor, they'll be able to help you get started and pick the right bass for you.

Tips To Work On Your Math Assignment To Score Top Marks

Tips To Work On Your Math Assignment To Score Top Marks 0SHARESShare Students usually neglect their Math assignment and this has resulted in pulling down their grades and consequently their GPA. Assignments are integrated in to the curriculum these days and performance in them is also measured. If a student understands the purpose of assignments and homework (which is simply to help them explore and grasp the concepts involved). He/she wouldn’t be as nonchalant about it as the case is now. Some students however do invest the time and energy and yet don’t get the desired results. They require assignment help and here are a few tips that can serve as the best possible help one can look for. Stressing about homework or assignments can only add to the pressure Don’t worry unnecessarily about math homework as this can lead to increased pressure and stress. Set aside a dedicated time everyday for homework or assignments and be diligent about it. If you are stuck anywhere, seek the best assignment help or homework help there is either online or from your friends. If you stuck with a problem, try looking for similar solved examples and work through it Take a look at the solved problems first and work out some of them yourself and then proceed to the assignments or homework. If you still are unable to solve it, seek help from someone. Solving problems in extra practise sets and tests can help you make headway in mastering the concepts. Read:  Top 8 Reasons Why You Need Online Help For Writing Assignments Be prepared and cover your bases before you sit down for your assignments If you wish to work on an assignment, it is imperative that you go through the notes and text book materials for the concept involved. After all, without knowing as to what you are doing, working out problems would seem like an uphill task. Discuss your homework with friends and then solve them Suppose you find it too hard to concentrate and study alone, form a study group and work through your homework together. Studies find that working in study groups or with your study buddy would only improve your concentration and focus levels. Also, the stress factor is alleviated in such cases. If you are unable to solve a hard problem, it is really ok! Homework isn’t a means to torture the mind, it is simply to help you understand topics better. If you are unable to solve a problem, you could always seek your teacher’s help at school and get them to help you with it. If you find your teachers uncooperative, find yourself math assignment help from expert math tutors online and they will help you through every step until you completely grasp the solution. [starbox id=admin]

Should I Go To University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Should I Go To University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Amanda is a Chicago tutor specializing in Anatomy tutoring, Biology tutoring, Essay Editing tutoring, and more. She is currently a senior at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign majoring in Animal Sciences. Check out her review of her school: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Amanda: The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) is a large public university in a surprisingly urban setting. The areas surrounding Chambana are rural, but there is never a dull moment on campus because there are always events taking place. Ive walked alone on campus at all times of day and night, and I have never once felt unsafe. University police are always patrolling the streets, and the University of Illinois runs two free programs that ensure students are safe 24/7SafeWalks and SafeRides. SafeWalks is for anyone who does not want to walk alone in the campus area, and SafeRides is for an individual who needs a ride home. There are plenty of buses running daily that can get you anywhere on- or off-campus. They are included in tuition so students do not even need to pay when using them. UIUC also has one of the highest-rated bike routes in the country. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Amanda: For a large public university, I am shocked at how easy it is to find educational help. Whether it be via email or in-person, there is always someone available to answer questions. I actually have found that the larger the class size, the easier it is to be in contact with the professor. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Amanda: I have not lived in the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign dorms, but I can say that socialization opportunities are never a problem. There are over 1,000 clubs throughout the university and the dorms are all located within walking (or biking) distance from the main quad. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Amanda: I would say that the best represented and supported program here at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is the engineering program, and thats because it is one of the best in the country. I chose to study Animal Sciences (also rated highly) because I originally came here thinking that I wanted to be a veterinarian. I believe that the university went above and beyond in supporting the Animal Sciences program. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Amanda: I transferred into the university as a junior, and it was super easy to meet people. It is almost impossible not to meet people you like considering the campus has more than 40,000 students. Greek life does play a significant role in the campus social life, but I am not affiliated with it. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Amanda: The Career Center is very helpful and has actually helped me receive multiple interviews and internships with large corporations and government entities. I highly recommend taking advantage of their free classes and sessions. The staff is more than willing to help adjust your resume and cover letters. There are multiple job fairs that take place throughout the year and many companies come to the university to recruit students. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Amanda: There are multiple libraries throughout the campus. Most are open seven days a week and some are even open 24 hours a day. They are only overcrowded during finals week, but you can still find a spot to study if you bring your own laptop. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Amanda: Outside of campus, it is mainly rural. There are some urban areas, such as downtown Champaign and downtown Urbana. There are a lot of great bars, restaurants, and shops that many students go to (particularly those over 21 years old). For those who are not too involved with the party scene and want less expensive rent, those areas are definitely the best places to live. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Amanda: The student body is large, reaching almost 45,000. My class sizes have varied dramatically. Some of my classes have had as few as eight students and as many as 500 students. Just depends on demand, really. I would say that the majority of classes range from 25-40 students, however. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Amanda: My most memorable experience at UIUC would be taking part in the study abroad program. I was able to go to Costa Rica for a month and research howler monkeys in the rainforest! Check out Amandas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

A Guide to Personal Training Gym Classes in the UK

A Guide to Personal Training Gym Classes in the UK UK Gyms: Personal Trainers, Sports Coaching and Exercise Classes across the UK ChaptersServices Offered by Gyms and Fitness ClubsHow Much do Gym Memberships Cost?Cheap Gym Memberships: Good Value or Dodgy Gym Classes?Ladies-Only Fitness Training Gyms‘You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream, the farther you get.’ â€" Michael PhelpsWhen you play team games or work out either alone or with a certified personal trainer at a gym, the most difficult thing is not always the physical effort, but finding the motivation within yourself to get started.Many people are tempted to stop when the going gets tough, and this is where gyms make their money.People sign up for a year-long non-refundable membership only to quit after five months.Another dilemma is knowing which gym is best for you.There are so many options, all with their own factors to consider.You may or may not want a personal coach, the option of cardiovascular training, pilates, relaxation, step or body pump classes, and then there’s the cost.Some gyms advertise themselves as being afforda ble for all, but does this mean a compromise on the scope of your training?Others offer different stages of membership depending on the time of day you attend the gym â€" but would your schedule allow this?According to Leisure DB, the 2017 State of the UK Fitness Industry Report  reveals that the UK health and fitness industry is continuing to grow and that its low-cost market, which accounts for 15% of the market value, has been the main driving force for this.So, in order to bring some clarity to anyone thinking about joining a gym or looking to find an online personal trainer, here is Superprof’s quick guide to health and fitness in the UK. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiC hinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1 ) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsServices Offered by Gyms and Fitness ClubsThe UK health and fitness market is in full bloom.With demand on the rise, they don’t miss a trick when it comes to their services, which include:Nutrition adviceEnergy drinksFitness classes near me (such as Zumba, body sculpt, yoga and kettle-ercise)Personal trainingRunning clubsBody composition measurementSauna and steam room facilitiesChanging roomsMembership offersOne of the main reasons people sign up to a gym or health club is nutritional advice.According to a survey carried out by OpinionWay, three quarters of people keep an eye on their weight.Knowing how much protein, fat and sugar you are consuming through your eating habits is just one way people work towards their target weight.However, making changes and staying motivated is a difficult thing to do on your own, and this is why many people hire a personal trainer to give them guidance on their nutrition.Ironically, you should be aw are of the energy drinks sold in gyms, since some of these contain a lot of sugar which can undo your hard work.The way these are marketed, with their bright colours and their explanations using exercise science can, in fact, contain a lot more caffeine than you need for an effective workout, which will affect your sleep.The chemicals in these drinks can increase your risk of injury, as you may push your body further than it can go without realising.Other risks include digestive issues and headaches.Here are some fitness classes near me that you may like!Some gyms have saunas to help you relax after a tough workout ¦ source: Pixabay - ZerocoolAnother important question to ask yourself: is it better to attend classes or have one to one personal training sessions?It all depends on your fitness goals.Whether you want to work on your physical strength, cardio stamina or endurance, the answer will be different.Using equipment such as rowing machines and dumbbells to build muscle or stat ic bicycles for your cardiovascular health can be done in a group fitness session.On the other hand, if your goals include drawing up a training programme which is tailored to your personal make-up and objectives, you should look for one to one coaching.The choice you make is down to the personality, tastes, physical composition and  your individual level of skill!Your personal budget also has a large bearing on which gym you choose.Certain organisations offer very low prices for their services, however, their facilities are only very basic, and you may incur extra costs for using lockers, for example.Others have ‘all inclusive’ schemes which can include a pool and sauna facilities â€" although these come at a higher cost.In reality, it all depends on the level of luxury you expect from a gym.How Much do Gym Memberships Cost?Homo-economic theory says that humans like to think rationally. This means that we compare the benefits of a good or a service to its price to find out if it’s good value-for-money.Gym memberships are just one of the many things we do this for by calculating the cost of each gym session over time, for example.So, when the time comes to choose a gym, which is more cost-efficient, low-cost memberships or traditional sports centres?The most luxurious gyms charge up to £300 per month, but if you’re looking for something which is still considered ‘high-end’ without so much luxury, you can pay around £50 per month.This might not sound like too high a price, but if you do the maths for a 12-month membership, it might not be so appealing.If you’re content with basic facilities, low-cost gyms offer membership for anywhere between £10 and £25 monthly.So, what influences membership costs?Location: Gyms and health centres in London are a lot higher than the rest of the countryRange of Services: Equipment quality, level of personal training and recovery facilitiesTarget customer: Whether the gym is used for light exercise classes or by people with lower incomesBefore taking up a new sport, it’s worth comparing prices for increasing your level of fitness at a range of health clubs.To help you get a better idea of the tariffs on offer, we’ve done some research on gyms, from the high-end to the more affordable options.BetterTo join Better, a chain of gyms across the UK, in the London borough of Camden, you’d pay £70 per month for an all-inclusive membership. Your membership would give you access to all pools and lidos, fitness classes, health suites and saunas, a tailored exercise programme and free two-hour childcare for one child per day.An added perk of a Better membership is that you get access to Better gyms nationally at no extra cost.Nuffield HealthFor a membership with Nuffield health in Chelmsford, you’ll pay £58 per month, whereas, in Tunbridge Wells, you’ll pay £69.Nuffield Health is considered to be high-end, and its facilities include private GP services, which are discounted for members. Bannatyne Health ClubJoining Bannatyne Health Club in Milton Keynes will set you back £32 per month for a 12-month full membership, and £47 per month without a contract.Low-cost memberships mean there is no excuse not to keep fit ¦ source: Pixabay - PublicDomainPicturesThis membership is all-inclusive and gives you access to professional advice as well as a tailor-made training plan.PureGymPureGym has centres all over the country â€" and most of them are open 24 hours a day.It offers low-cost memberships without tying you into any contracts, and you can expect to pay up to £25 a month.Cheap Gym Memberships: Good Value or Dodgy Gym Classes?It’s not unusual to worry about the quality of a service when the price is low.You may doubt the security of a low-cost gym, or not trust the small print when it comes to injury prevention and general safety.So, how does discounted fitness perform against the alternative options?It would be impossible to list every gym in the UK, so, we’ve had a good look at prices and membership options for some of the cheapest clubs.The GymThe Gym offers contract-free monthly membership from £10.99 with no joining fee, or a pay-as-you-go service for classes and day passes.For £29.99 a month, you can have access to every The Gym across the country.Their centres are also open 24/7 â€" so you can gym whenever you like!PureGymAs we saw before, PureGym membership costs up to £26 per month, work on a contractless basis, and you have 24-hour access to their facilities.So, what do you get for your money?Your membership will give you full access to the gym equipment as well as free entry to classes â€" and they do a 20% discount for students.Keeping in shape doesn't have to break the bank ¦ source: Visualhunt - skeezeThey also offer a free exercise induction, changing and shower facilities, air conditioning and an app to book and cancel classes!Xercise4LessXercise4Less only charges from £9.99 per month and offers different tiers of memb ership.For £9.99, you get an off-peak membership, meaning you can use the facilities from 10am-4pm on weekdays and any time on weekends.For £14.99, you have the freedom to go to any Xercise4Less gym in the UK whenever you like.They also do a 20% discount for students and offer the choice of signing up to a contract.So, you shouldn’t have to steer clear of any low-cost gyms because of their price â€" just check out the facilities for yourself.These gyms do have high-quality equipment, however, they usually don’t have the added extras that other gyms do such as the option of a personal fitness instructor or swimming pools.This is understandable since it would be impossible to pay a coach who has worked hard for their personal training certification to become a personal trainer a decent wage when membership only costs £10 per month.However, you may want to hire a personal fitness trainer when you’re getting started since misusing gym equipment can cause injury.earning about yo ur physiology and how to make  your body strong is a continuing education, and someone with a personal trainer certification will be able to tell you a lot more about your aerobic and physical capabilities as a fitness specialist.As a fitness professional, your personal trainer will carry out a fitness assessment, where they will measure your body and take note of your fitness as well as asking about your exercising habits.This will help them create a fitness program tailored to your body and your objectives, whether they are to become healthier or reach a certain weight.Your personal training program will be adapted to include workouts which target the areas you wish to improve  and give you tips on how training techniques can help you to train more efficiently.Learning about your physiology and how to make  your body strong is a continuing education, and someone with a personal trainer certification will be able to tell you a lot more about your aerobic and physical capabilities a s a fitness specialist.Zero risk does not exist!There are many pros and cons to low-cost fitness:Advantages of low cost fitnessDisadvantages  of low cost fitnessAffordable pricesNo personal coachingFlexible hoursRisk of injurySimplicity of useNo one to motivate youFreedom in your trainingRisk of hitting a dead-end with no guidanceNo-frillsExtra services may cost extraSo, a low price shouldn’t scare you away. What matters is what is on offer for your money â€" are the changing rooms clean? Is the equipment in good condition? Am I capable of training alone?Ladies-Only Fitness Training GymsFor the sixty years that health and fitness have been a focus of the general public, women have been the largest consumers of gym services and they’re also the most targeted by marketers.The beauty of a well-kept body sells products.For this reason, photographs of athletic women are often used to attract new customers on brochures and on the internet.Stress-free fitness at female-only gyms ¦ sou rce: Pixabay - StockSnapSo, gyms and fitness club exclusively for women do exist â€" and they thrive.But what attracts people to use them and why are they so successful?First of all, ladies-only gyms offer the same high-quality facilities and mid-range prices as mixed gyms, meaning that if you feel more comfortable in a single-sex environment, you can choose one of these gyms without having to pay any more money.Ladies gyms aren’t always completely separate businesses, sometimes they operate as part of a mixed gym with a female-only area.As for budget fitness, low-cost ladies’ gyms are a little higher priced, simply because the clientele is limited.Nevertheless, there are plenty of options to explore when it comes to choosing the perfect gym for you!